Short Bio
I'm a junior lecture at the Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Marine Technology,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia.
Research Profile
My major research interests lie in control system and reinforcement learning.
Computer Programming(2024)
Undergraduate's level course at the Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
EL4123 Digital Control Systems(2023)
Undergraduate’s level course at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Examiner and teaching assistant
EL3015 Control Systems(2022)
Undergraduate’s level course at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Examiner and teaching assistant
EL4113 Instrumentation Systems Laboratory (2023)
Undergraduate’s level practical course at the Deparment of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Assistant coordinator. Coordinate at least two student assistants per semester
EL3215 Control Systems Laboratory (2023)
Undergraduate’s level practical course at the Deparment of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Assistant coordinator. Coordinate at least eight student assistants per semester
Output Feedback Control for Deterministic Unknown Dynamics Discrete-Time System using Deep Recurrent Q-Networks
A. N. Putri, E. Hidayat, D. Mahayana and C. Machbub
IEEE Access [Paper][Code]
Data Driven Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control Design
A. N. Putri, C. Machbub, D. Mahayana and E. Hidayat
IEEE Access [Paper][Code]
Modeling a Single Camera System based on Predicted Bounding Box and Pan-Tilt Angles
A. N. Putri, E. Hidayat, D. Mahayana and C. Machbub
2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia [Paper][Code]
Linear Quadratic Gaussian using Kalman Network and Reinforcement Learning for Discrete-Time System
A. N. Putri, E. Hidayat, D. Mahayana and C. Machbub
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Bandung, Indonesia [Paper][Code]
Combination of Elman Neural Network and Kalman Network for Modeling of Batch Distillation Process
A. N. Putri, E. Hidayat, D. Mahayana and C. Machbub
2022 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Jeju, South Korea [Paper][Code]
NARX Neural Network Modeling of Batch Distillation Process
A. N. Putri, E. Hidayat, D. Mahayana and C. Machbub
2021 IEEE 11th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia [Paper][Code]
Invited Talks
IEEE Education Week : Graduate Student Talk
Data-Driven Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control System Design
April 2023, IEEE Indonesia Section
Guide Learn to R with Artificial Intelligence(2023)
Data Science in Finance: Credit Risk Analysis(2023)
R Fundamental for Data Science(2023)
Machine Learning: Algoritma K-Means dengan Python(2023)
Python for Data Professional Beginner - Part 1(2020)
Python Fundamental for Data Science(2020)
Academic Services
Review for journals
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Review for international conference
The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations
Granted Projects
Path Planning for Autonomous Forklift
Role: Research assistant. PI : Dr. Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin
Model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) for Optimal Control
Role: Research assistant. PI : Prof. Carmadi Machbub
Optimization Object Detection System
Role: Reseacrh assistant . PI : Prof. Carmadi Machbub
Implementation Reinforcement Learning for Process Control
Roles: Research assistant. PI : Prof. Carmadi Machbub
Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control in Industrial Process
Research, Community Service and Innovation (PPMI), Institut Teknologi Bandung
Roles: Research assistant. PI : Egi Hidayat, PhD.
Autonomous Forklift
PT. Charoend Pokhpand Indonesia
Role: Research assistant. PI : Dr. Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin
- 2022: Ganesha Talent Assistanship
- 2015: Indocement Scholarship
Master Thesis
Pemodelan dan Perancangan Kendali Optimal Sistem Kolom Distilasi Tipe Batch dengan Pendekatan Penjejakan Kuadratis Linier
Adi Novitarini Putri, Master Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, September 2021 [link]
(cum laude)